January 25 & 26, 2025 | Prairieland Ag Center

Upcoming Dare 2 Judge Dates:

January 24-25, 2026

January 23-24, 2027

about us

What is Dare To Judge?

Prairieland Junior Ag Showcase, in conjunction with the University of Saskatchewan Judging Team, is pleased to present Dare to Judge. This new competition will serve as the Saskatoon Regional 4-H Judging Competition qualifying event and the University of Saskatchewan Judging Team’s Annual Collegiate Judging Competition. In addition, we will also be hosting a Judging Clinic on Friday evening. Clinician to be announced shortly!

Event Competitions

regional 4-h Judging Competition

Registration for the 2024 Saskatoon Regional 4-H Judging Competition and Friday evening Judging Clinic.

Entry Fee: $60.00

Friday supper and Saturday lunch are included in the entry fee.

collegiate Judging Competition

Registration for the 2023-2024 University of Saskatchewan Judging Team Collegiate Judging Competition and Friday evening Judging Clinic.

Entry Fee: $60.00

Friday supper and Saturday lunch are included in the entry fee.

show Judging Competition

In an effort to give young judges show ring experience and help to further hone their judging skills, we invite competitors to enter the show judging competition. Competitors will work and judge a class of four beef animals and work alongside a ring person before giving oral reasons over the microphone in front of an audience.

Entry Fee: $25.00 (entry included on 4-H & Collegiate Entry Forms)

Competition Schedule

Friday, January 26, 2024

Supper & Registration

6:00 pm  |  Prairieland Ag Center

Judging Clinic

7:00 – 8:30 pm  |  Prairieland Ag Center

Krista Erixon along with her husband Dave and children Griffin and Holden own and operate Erixon Simmentals Inc. at Clavet, SK. Their mission is to provide quality red and black Simmental bulls to the commercial cattle industry. They calve 200 purebred cows annually in January and February and run an extensive artificial insemination and embryo program.

They strive to produce cattle with above-average growth and performance, along with calving ease and natural fleshing ability. Their annual bull sale is held on the family farm where they sell 60 bulls annually. The Erixon’s market several female animals each fall at Border City and Friday Night Lights. They have shown their cattle at all the major shows across Western Canada with success.

Krista has had the privilege to travel throughout Canada, the United States, and South America working for a long list of other producers. She enjoys evaluating cattle and has had the opportunity to judge several shows at different levels across Canada.

We are excited to have her as one of our featured clinicians for this year’s Dare to Judge!

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Judging Competition

9:00 am – 12:00 pm  |  Prairieland Ag Center


12:00 – 1:30 pm  |  Hall C  |  World Trade Center Saskatoon at Prairieland

Oral Reasons for Collegiates, Seniors & Intermediates

12:00 pm  |  Hall C Breakouts  |  World Trade Center Saskatoon at Prairieland

Written Reasons for Juniors

1:00 pm  |  Prairieland Ag Center


3:00 pm  |  Hall C  |  World Trade Center Saskatoon at Prairieland

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Show Judging Competition

9:00 am – 2:00 pm  |  Prairieland Ag Center


2:00 pm   |  Prairieland Ag Center

about us

What is Dare 2 Judge?

Prairieland Junior Ag Showcase, in conjunction with the University of Saskatchewan Judging Team, is pleased to present Dare 2 Judge. This competition will serve as the Saskatoon Regional 4-H Judging Competition qualifying event and the University of Saskatchewan Judging Team’s Annual Collegiate Judging Competition. Applications are now closed!

Event Competitions

regional 4-h Judging Competition

Registration for the 2025 Saskatoon Regional 4-H Judging Competition and Friday evening Judging Clinic.

Entry Fee: $60.00

The application process is now closed.

Saturday lunch is included in the entry fee.

collegiate Judging Competition

Registration for the 2024-2025 University of Saskatchewan Judging Team Collegiate Judging Competition and Friday evening Judging Clinic.

Entry Fee: $60.00

The application process is now closed.

Saturday lunch is included in the entry fee.

show Judging Competition

In an effort to give young judges showring experience and help to further hone their judging skills, we invite competitors to enter the show judging competition. Competitors will individually judge a class of beef animals and work alongside a ring person (ring person will be provided) before giving oral reasons over the microphone in front of an audience.

Entry Fee: $25.00 (entry included on 4-H & Collegiate Entry Forms)


Regional 4-H Judging Competition

Saturday January 25th, 2025

This competition is a knowledge-building event that presents 4-H members with a great opportunity to develop skills that will help them as they grow into our future livestock judges. There will be learning opportunities for 4-H members of all ages. Since this event serves as the Saskatoon Regional Judging Competition, we encourage all 4-H members in the region to participate.

Regional 4-H Judging

Collegiate Judging Competition

Saturday January 25th, 2025

This competition presents collegiate students with the opportunity to enhance their judging and speaking skills in the livestock judging industry. While participating in this event, they not only compete against, but also network with other like-minded students from around Canada. They will be required to judge numerous classes and present oral reasons to a judge that specializes in each class.

Collegiate Judging

Show Judging Competition

Sunday January 26th, 2025

In an effort to give young judges showring experience and help to further hone their judging skills, we invite competitors to enter the show judging competition. Competitors will individually judge a class of four beef animals and work alongside a ring person (ring person will be provided) before giving oral reasons over the microphone in front of an audience.

Competition Awards

regional 4-h Judging Competition

The Top Senior will be awarded a buckle

Certificates will be awarded to the Top 3 winners in each species class of each age group

Hi-Point Medals will be awarded to the Top 3 Senior, Intermediate, and Junior winners

Awards will be presented to the eight Senior 4-H Club Members selected to take part in the Provincial 4-H Judging Competition

collegiate Judging Competition

Buckles will be awards to the Champion Collegiate Judge and the Reserve Champion Collegiate Judge

Certificates will be awarded to the 1st place winners in each species class

A certificate will be awarded to the Champion Collegiate Team

show Judging Competition

- A prize will be given out for the Champion Collegiate Show Judge
- A prize will be given out for the Champion 4-H Show Judge in each age category


2025 Winner's list

Collegiates - Top 5

1st place: Lyndsey P., University of Saskatchewan

2nd place: Cameron M., University of Saskatchewan

3rd place: Courtney H., University of Saskatchewan

4th place: Quinten A., University of Saskatchewan

5th place: Madisyn R., University of Saskatchewan

4-H Senior Division - Top 12 Overall

1st place: Katherine P., Next Step 4-H Club

2nd place: Erica Z., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Morgan S., Kelvington 4-H Beef Club

4th place: Tanner L., Viscount Multiple 4-H Club

5th place: Lane S., Hanley 4-H Beef Club

6th place: Elijah B., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

7th place: Rebecca P., Weldon 4-H Beef Club

8th place: Katie K., United 4-H Beef Club

9th place: Erin N., Carlton Trail 4-H Club

10th place: Tessa Z., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club

11th Place: Ashton J., West PA 4-H Beef Club

12th Place: Aiva B., Next Step 4-H Club

4-H Intermediate Division - Top 10 Overall

1st place: Gibson G., Hanley 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Heidi Z., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Caybri L., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club

4th place: Joss P., Nomad’s 4-H Beef Club

5th place: Mackenzie D., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

6th place: Mackenzie W., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

7th place: Tate W., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

8th place: Henry L., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

9th place: Tyrel B., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

10th place: Ryland E., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club

4-H Junior Division - Top 10 Overall

1st place: Josie R., Hanley Light Horse 4-H Club

2nd place: Cheyanne H., Hanley 4-H Club

3rd place: Ethan S., Carlton Trail 4-H Beef Club

4th place: Cody N., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

5th place: Ty J., West PA 4-H Beef Club

6th place: Sadie L., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

7th place: Hailey B., Carlton Trail 4-H Beef Club

8th place: Noah M., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

9th place: Addison E., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club

10th place: Kate E., Carlton Trail 4-H Beef Club

Show Judging

4-H CLOVERBUD DIVISION WINNER: Rhett W., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

4-H JUNIOR DIVISION WINNER: Noah M., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club


4-H SENIOR DIVISION WINNER: Erica Z., Vanscoy 4-H Beef Club


Beef Bull


1st place: Addison E., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Hailey B., Carlton Trail 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Ethan S., Carlton Trail 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Joss P., Nomad’s 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Heidi Z., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Caybri L., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Erica Z., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Katherine P., Next Step 4-H Club

3rd place: Tessa Z., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Lexi D., Lakeland College



1st place: Josie R., Hanley Light Horse 4-H Club

2nd place: Ty J., West PA 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Cody N., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Joss P., Nomad’s 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Gibson G., Hanley 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Mackenzie D., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Katherine P., Next Step 4-H Club

2nd place: Tanner L., Viscount Multiple 4-H Club

3rd place: Ashton J., West PA 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Courtney H., University of Saskatchewan

Light Horse


1st place: Ethan S., Carlton Trail 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Cheyanne H., Hanley 4-H Club

3rd place: Sadie L., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Heidi Z., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Tate W., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Jasper E., Carlton Trail 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Makayla B., Herds of Thunder Light Horse 4-H Club

2nd place: Katie K., United 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Morgan S., Kelvington 4-H Beef Club


1st place: place: Faith S., University of Alberta



1st place: Ethan S., Carlton Trail 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Hailey N., Weldon 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Noah M., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Mackenzie W., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Mackenzie D., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Gibson G., Hanley 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Erin N., Carlton Trail 4-H Club

2nd place: Katherine P., Next Step 4-H Club

3rd place: Elijah B., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Jenna D., University of Alberta



1st place: Ty J., West PA 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Cody N., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Addison E., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club


1st place:Tate W., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Camryn N., Carlton Trail 4-H Club

3rd place: Ryland E., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Katherine P., Next Step 4-H Club

2nd place: Tanner ., Viscount Multiple 4-H Club

3rd place: Lane S., Hanley 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Emma T., Lakeland College



1st place: Ty J., West PA 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Cody N., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Carsten E., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Mackenzie W., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: June R., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Jasper E., Carlton Trail 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Morgan S., Kelvington 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Tanner L., Viscount Multiple 4-H Club

3rd place: Erica Z., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club



1st place: Reegan F., University of Saskatchewan

Meat Cuts


1st place: Ty J., West PA 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Cheyanne H., Hanley 4-H Club

3rd place: Carsten E., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Jasper E., Carlton Trail 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Gavin W., Saskatoon 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Gibson G., Hanley 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Sophie B., Carlton Trail 4-H Beef Club

2nd place: Erica Z., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club

3rd place: Elijah B., Crown Hill 4-H Beef Club


1st place: Payten K., University of Saskatchewan

Thank you to our sponsors

Dare To Judge © 2025 All Rights Reserved. Prairieland Junior Ag Showcase